Sunday, August 23, 2009

The REAL problem with the Obama as Hitler analogy

What really bothers me about the Obama as Hitler analogy, aside from the obvious, is the laziness of it. The whole __________ is worse than Hitler is SO cliche. Come on wackjobs, you can do better!

How about Obama as Clement Attlee, the British Prime Minister when the NHS was established. And get this, he had a funny mustache! That's right, the townhell shouters would still get to put stickers on Obama's upper lip.

Or they could choose Gough Whitlam, the PM who brought UHC to Australia. But wait, I just checked out his Wiki page and The Right Honorable Mr. Whitlam had no facial hair. Next!

If they simply must stay with the German theme, may I suggest Otto von Bismarck who instituted the Health Insurance Act of 1883 that evolved into the German UHC of today. And yes he had a mustache and... bushy sideburns! Better print more stickers.

1 comment:

  1. So true, it is lazy but that's what you get with crowd mentality. Not an original thought in the bunch!
