Saturday, August 22, 2009

Conservative hypocrisy in re: Huckabee and The Dixie Chicks

Remember when Natalie Maines of The Dixie Chicks was pilloried by the conservative media when she said, while in England, she were ashamed George W. Bush was from Texas? They screamed how dare she criticize a US President on foreign soil! They wailed that we were at war so such behavior boarded on treason. Odd that this past week that same gaggle of talking heads has been silent while GOP presidential nominee Mike Huckabee, while in Israel, slammed President Obama's policies in that region. Is not Israel foreign soil? Are we not still at war?

I recall that some reactionaries burned Dixie Chick CDs after being fired up by Rush, Hannity, et al. Maybe we on the left should do the same to Huckabee's audio book. Wait, did anybody buy that thing? If you did, please send me it to me and we'll have a little bonfire in my backyard while Toby Keith plays in the background.


  1. But there's a big difference in making personal attacks to an American president at an entertainment venue, and criticizing foreign policy at a meeting designed to discuss foreign policy... The Dixie Chicks had a musical stage that they used for political stumping, Mike Huckabee had a political stage that he used appropriately....

  2. I agree Bryan (now there's a phrase I don't use that often), there is a big difference. Statements made by entertainers mean nothing while those made by major party leaders can be significant.

  3. and, at least I didn't burn any CDs...wouldn't be green of me....instead, I just advocated making hundreds upon hundreds of unauthorized copies of their music and giving them away.....
