Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The legacy of Ted Kennedy

Ted Kennedy has been called, as was FDR, a "traitor to his class." Born to great wealth and privilege, Kennedy spent his entire adult like working to better the lot of the working class and poor. He voted against tax cuts that would benefit him greatly because he did not want to cut benefits of those less fortunate.

Like his brothers, Jack and Bobby, he championed civil rights in the 1960s. He stood with women to receive educations and salaries equal to men. He sided with LGBT community in many legislative battles. He introduced legislation that made it possible for non-Europeans to enter this country. He fought to protect a woman's right to choose. He was one of only 26 Senators to have the guts to vote against Bush's war in Iraq. He was, in sum, the consummate liberal.

The issue Kennedy seems to be most passionate about was health care for all. He fought for more affordable health care since voting for the Medicare Act in 1964. He thought it was a sin that so many working people in this rich country go without health care because they cannot afford health insurance. The ultimate tribute to Senator Kennedy would be that his passing takes the media attention off canards such as "death panels" and puts the focus on what is actually in the bill. Hopefully this will convince those who have been misinformed and those in power that reform must be enacted.

Of course, there are negatives to the Ted Kennedy legacy. However, there will plenty of time for those to be examined in the months and years to follow. For now, let's look at the good this great legislator did.


  1. This post almost made me sniffly. All the more reason to see that health care reform gets passed this year (dammit).

  2. Susan, your blog is going to be so interesting to follow!

    We'll all miss Ted Kennedy. What a contribution he made. No, what contributions he and his family have made--to humanity.

    Keep this blog going...we'll all be enlightened! Maybe we could get the Star to read it...

  3. I can just see you up on that Soapbox! Are you having fun, yet? I sure had fun reading this. See you tomorrow, Martha
